Essential Linux Commands for DevOps: A Comprehensive Guide


10 min read

Essential Linux Commands for DevOps: A Comprehensive Guide


In the dynamic world of DevOps, proficiency in Linux commands is an essential skill for developers and operations teams alike. Linux is the backbone of many infrastructure setups, and mastering its command-line interface empowers DevOps professionals to efficiently manage, deploy, and troubleshoot systems. In this blog, we will explore some fundamental Linux commands that play a crucial role in the DevOps landscape.

1. Navigating the File System

A solid understanding of file system navigation is the first step in Linux command-line mastery. Here are some commands to get you started:

  1. ls - List Files and Directories: The ls command lists files and directories in the current working directory or the specified directory. It provides a quick overview of the contents within a folder.

    Syntax: ls [options] [directory]

     sinair code$ ls
     file1.txt  directory1  directory2
  2. cd - Change Directory: The cd command allows you to change the current working directory. It is essential for navigating through the file system.

    Syntax: cd [directory]

     sinair code$ cd /path/to/directory
  3. pwd - Print Working Directory: pwd displays the absolute path of the current working directory, helping you keep track of your location in the file system.

    Syntax: pwd


     sinair code$ pwd

Working with Files and Directories

  1. mkdir - Create Directory: With mkdir, you can create a new directory within the current working directory.

    Syntax: mkdir [directory]

     sibinair code$ mkdir new_directory
  2. rm - Remove Files and Directories: The rm command deletes files and directories. Exercise caution when using this command, as it permanently removes data.

    Syntax: rm [options] [file/directory]

     sibinair code$ rm file.txt
  3. cp - Copy Files and Directories: cp allows you to make duplicates of files and directories. It is useful for creating backups or moving files to different locations.

    Syntax: cp [options] source destination

     sibinair code$ cp file.txt /path/to/destination/
  4. mv - Move or Rename Files and Directories: The mv command enables you to move files or directories to a different location or rename them.

    Syntax (Move): mv [options] source destination

    Syntax (Rename): mv [old_name] [new_name]

    Example (move):

     sibinair code$ mv file.txt /path/to/destination/

    Example (rename):

     sibinair code$ mv old_name.txt new_name.txt
  5. nano (or vi) - Text Editors for the Command Line: Both nano and vi are text editors that allow you to create and edit files directly from the command line.

    Example (using nano):

     sibinair code$ nano new_file.txt

2. Text Manipulation

Manipulating text is a frequent task for DevOps engineers dealing with configuration files, logs, and data processing. These commands are highly valuable in such scenarios:

  1. cat - Concatenate and display file contents: The cat command is used to display the contents of one or more files to the terminal.

    Syntax: cat [options] [file1] [file2] ...


     bashCopy code$ cat file.txt
     This is the content of file.txt.
  2. grep - Search for patterns in files or output: grep searches for a specific pattern or regular expression in a file or the output of another command.

    Syntax: grep [options] "pattern" [file1] [file2] ...


     bashCopy code$ grep "error" application.log
     [2023-07-30 12:45:21] ERROR: Something went wrong!
  3. sed - Stream editor for text transformation: sed is a powerful text editor that transforms text by applying commands line by line.

    Syntax: sed [options] 'command' [file]


     bashCopy code$ echo "Hello, world!" | sed 's/Hello/Hi/'
     Hi, world!
  4. awk - Text processing tool for data extraction: awk is a versatile tool for extracting data and performing actions based on patterns in structured text.

    Syntax: awk 'pattern {action}' [file]


     bashCopy code$ awk '{print $2}' data.txt

    Suppose data.txt contains:

     Copy codeID Name Age
     1 John 25
     2 Jane 30
  5. cut - Extract specific columns from a file: cut is used to extract specific columns from a file based on delimiter characters.

    Syntax: cut [options] -d [delimiter] -f [field(s)] [file]


     bashCopy code$ cut -d',' -f2 file.csv

    Suppose file.csv contains:

     Copy codeID,Name,Age
  6. sort - Sort lines of text files: sort arranges the lines of text files in a specified order, such as alphanumeric or numerical.

    Syntax: sort [options] [file]


     bashCopy code$ sort data.txt
     1 John 25
     2 Jane 30

    Suppose data.txt contains unsorted data as in the example for awk.

  7. uniq - Remove duplicate lines from sorted files: uniq filters out consecutive duplicate lines from sorted text files.

    Syntax: uniq [options] [file]


     bashCopy code$ sort data.txt | uniq
     1 John 25
     2 Jane 30

    This example assumes the data in data.txt is sorted as shown in the sort example.

3. File Permissions

In the realm of security and access control, understanding file permissions is critical for protecting sensitive information. These commands allow you to manage file permissions:

  1. chmod - Change File Permissions: Definition: chmod is used to change the permissions of a file or directory, determining who can read, write, and execute it.

    Syntax: chmod [options] permissions file


     bashCopy code$ chmod u+rwx file.txt

    In this example, the user (owner) of file.txt is granted read, write, and execute permissions.

  2. chown - Change File Ownership: Definition: chown changes the owner of a file or directory, allowing a user to gain ownership over specific files.

    Syntax: chown [options] new_owner file


     bashCopy code$ chown john file.txt

    The ownership of file.txt is changed to the user account 'john.'

  3. chgrp - Change Group Ownership: Definition: chgrp modifies the group ownership of a file or directory, enabling multiple users to access shared resources.

    Syntax: chgrp [options] new_group file


     bashCopy code$ chgrp developers file.txt

    The group ownership of file.txt is set to the group 'developers.'

4. Package Management

DevOps professionals frequently interact with package managers to install, update, and manage software. Familiarize yourself with these package management commands:

  1. apt (Ubuntu/Debian) or yum (CentOS/RHEL) - Install, Update, and Manage Packages: Definition: apt and yum are package managers for Ubuntu/Debian and CentOS/RHEL, respectively. They handle the installation, updating, and removal of software packages.


    • apt:

      • Install a package: sudo apt install package_name

      • Update package lists: sudo apt update

      • Update installed packages: sudo apt upgrade

      • Remove a package: sudo apt remove package_name

    • yum:

      • Install a package: sudo yum install package_name

      • Update installed packages: sudo yum update

      • Remove a package: sudo yum remove package_name


    bashCopy code$
    # Ubuntu/Debian
    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt install nginx
    $ sudo apt remove nginx

    # CentOS/RHEL
    $ sudo yum update
    $ sudo yum install httpd
    $ sudo yum remove httpd
  1. dpkg (Ubuntu/Debian) or rpm (CentOS/RHEL) - Package Management at a Lower Level: Definition: dpkg and rpm are lower-level package managers used in Ubuntu/Debian and CentOS/RHEL, respectively. They directly interact with package files without handling dependencies.


    • dpkg:

      • Install a package: sudo dpkg -i package.deb

      • Remove a package: sudo dpkg -r package_name

    • rpm:

      • Install a package: sudo rpm -i package.rpm

      • Remove a package: sudo rpm -e package_name


    bashCopy code$
    # Ubuntu/Debian
    $ sudo dpkg -i package.deb
    $ sudo dpkg -r package_name

    # CentOS/RHEL
    $ sudo rpm -i package.rpm
    $ sudo rpm -e package_name

Managing packages is a fundamental aspect of DevOps, and having a strong command of package management tools like apt, yum, dpkg, and rpm is essential for seamless software installation and updates on various Linux distributions. With these commands, you can easily install, update, and remove packages to ensure a well-maintained and up-to-date system for your DevOps tasks. Happy package managing!

5. Process Management

Monitoring and controlling processes is crucial for system administrators. These commands aid in managing processes:

  1. ps - Display Information about Active Processes: Definition: The ps command provides a snapshot of currently running processes, displaying information such as their process IDs (PIDs), CPU and memory usage, and other details.

    Syntax: ps [options]


     bashCopy code$ ps aux
     user       1234  1.0  0.5  23456 7890   pts/0  S    00:00  00:00 process_name
  2. top - Monitor Real-Time System Resource Usage: Definition: top is an interactive command-line tool that provides real-time monitoring of system resource usage, including CPU, memory, and process information.

    Syntax: top


     yamlCopy codetop - 10:55:30 up 2 days,  1:30,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
     Tasks: 157 total,   1 running, 156 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
     %Cpu(s):  0.0 us,  0.0 sy,  0.0 ni,100.0 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
     MiB Mem :   3953.7 total,   1007.8 free,   1041.2 used,   1904.8 buff/cache
     MiB Swap:   4096.0 total,   4096.0 free,      0.0 used.   2599.6 avail Mem
       PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
      2345 user      20   0   67876   9876   5678 S   1.0   0.3   0:10.00 process_name
  3. kill - Terminate Processes: Definition: The kill command is used to terminate processes by sending them specific signals, such as SIGTERM or SIGKILL.

    Syntax: kill [signal] PID


     bashCopy code$ kill -9 1234

    This forcefully terminates the process with PID 1234.

  4. bg and fg - Move Processes to the Background or Foreground: Definition: bg and fg are used to manage background and foreground jobs. bg moves a suspended job to the background, and fg brings a background job to the foreground.


    • bg: bg [job_spec]

    • fg: fg [job_spec]


    bashCopy code$ vi text.txt   # Start editing a file in the foreground
    <Ctrl+Z>        # Suspend the foreground job
    $ bg            # Move the suspended job to the background
    $ fg            # Bring the background job back to the foreground

6. Networking

In a distributed system, networking commands are indispensable for analyzing and troubleshooting network-related issues:

  1. ping - Test Network Connectivity: Definition: The ping command is used to test network connectivity between the local host and a remote host by sending ICMP echo request packets and waiting for ICMP echo replies.

    Syntax: ping [options] host


     bashCopy code$ ping
     PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
     64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=116 time=10.0 ms
  2. traceroute (or tracert on Windows) - Display the Route Taken by Packets to a Destination: Definition: traceroute (or tracert on Windows) shows the route packets take from the local host to a destination by displaying the IP addresses of intermediate hops.

    Syntax: traceroute [options] host


     bashCopy code$ traceroute
     traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
      1  router1.local (  0.527 ms  0.596 ms  0.678 ms
      2  isp-router.local (  5.112 ms  5.327 ms  5.462 ms
  3. netstat - Network Statistics (Connections, Routing Tables, etc.): Definition: netstat displays a variety of network-related information, including active network connections, routing tables, and statistics.

    Syntax: netstat [options]


     bashCopy code$ netstat -tuln
     Active Internet connections (only servers)
     Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
     tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN
  4. ss - Socket Statistics (an Alternative to netstat): Definition: ss is another command-line utility for displaying information about network sockets, similar to netstat.

    Syntax: ss [options]


     bashCopy code$ ss -tuln
     State   Recv-Q  Send-Q  Local Address:Port  Peer Address:Port
     LISTEN  0       128          *:22               *:*
  5. nc - Netcat, a Versatile Networking Tool for Reading/Writing Data Across Networks: Definition: nc, also known as Netcat, is a powerful networking utility for reading and writing data across network connections, making it a versatile tool for various network-related tasks.

    Syntax: nc [options] host port


     bashCopy code$ echo "Hello, Netcat!" | nc 8080

Remember that understanding the correct syntax of these commands is crucial for their proper usage. By mastering these essential Linux commands, you can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency in various DevOps tasks.


Linux commands are the building blocks of a DevOps professional's toolkit. Mastering the Linux command-line interface empowers DevOps engineers to efficiently manage systems, automate tasks, and troubleshoot issues effectively. As you delve deeper into the world of DevOps, remember to continuously explore and learn new commands, as well as understand how they integrate into your specific workflows.